[YTC individual gift]
Postcard created by Chang Hann's face and Joanna's bright eyes are ready to be picked up at the MovIPrint Exhibition!
【MovIPrint Exhibition】
日期:6/18 - 6/27
地點:成大 C-Hub 3F
MovIPrint 邀請你跳出屬於自己獨一無二的圖案!首先選個設計,將你現拍的影片上傳,最後再舞動出自己的圖案應用在各種禮物。
展覽共五區:1.製圖; 2.跳舞; 3.吧檯 ; 4.摺疊 ; 5.觸感。你會先在 “製圖區” 選設計模板。接著在 “舞動區”,藉由舞動賦予你現拍上傳影片專屬於你的動感。我們會在 “吧檯” 幫助你選擇想要的輸出與成品分享方式。等待現做成品的同時,你會 “摺疊區"欣賞到藉由MovIPrint圖案摺疊出的各式物件。在 ”觸感區”,你可以試戴由這些圖案所製成的YenTing Cho圍巾,直接體驗MovIPrint所產生的動感。
This MovIPrint exhibition shows you new ways to create individual patterns. You just need to pick a design, upload your image/video and move your body to create a pattern which you can use to produce a personalized gift to share with friends or family. By using the unique MovISee software, MovIPrint enables you to combine coding and personal creativity.
The exhibition comprises five zones: 1. Pattern; 2. Dance; 3. Bar; 4. Fold; and 5. Feel. You can pick a card design in the Pattern zone. Then, in the Dance zone, you can move your body to create your individual gift. Next, you can print your postcard and send your gif video to friends in the Bar zone. In the Fold zone, you will see objects, such as fashion accessories, that are created from your printed postcard. Finally, in the feel zone, you can hold and wear beautiful wool and silk scarves from the ‘YenTing Cho’ range, created using MovIPrint.
Events Information
+Exhibition Opening 開幕
Saturday 18 June
3:00pm Opening & Guide Tour 開幕與導覽
4:00pm 'You Print' Demonstration 限量訂製
(Limited to 10 places - pre-booked by Facebook Event:
5:00pm Party
+'You Fold' Workshop 摺疊工作坊
By Ficks Victor Osorio and Iris Chang
Saturday 25 June
+MovIPrint Talk: Code to Fold Your Movement 演講
by Dr Yen-Ting Cho, Ruby Lee and Yi-Bei Liu
Sunday 26 June
3:00pm — 與 Joanna Hsu吳承翰


our story

Founded in London in 2016, Yen Ting Cho Studio produces uniqueartworks andcontemporary designs for luxury fashion accessories and interiors. ...

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