Colourful dynamic patterns to make a fashion statement
Made with smooth silk twill
Double-sided design for a more unique look
Hand-rolled hems for robust finish
Colourful and dynamic patterns turn clothing accessories into works of art, making a bold fashion statement in daily life. This double-sided scarf is made from smooth and delicate silk twill with high-quality hand-rolled hems. Be creative and show your unique taste!
90 x 90 cm
100% silk twill
Double sided printing
Hand rolled edging
Specialist dry clean
商品將以 YEN TING CHO 手工精緻包裝盒出貨。
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所有訂單低於 200 美元且超過 100 美元:國際優先快遞統一收費 20 美元。
所有訂單低於 100 美元:國際優先快遞統一收費 30 美元。