
(Please find English version below)


YEN TING CHO Studio 結合數位設計與資訊,跨域創作。我們以研究方法進行案子,用嚴謹的方式,實踐不平凡的概念。如果你具備開放的心態,主動積極的個性、良好溝通與邏輯思考能力,細心、負責、高自我要求、高效率、永遠都在學習與進步,我們如新創公司充滿爆發力的工作環境,會與你一起成長!

工作室將進入一個全新的階段。2019 於倫敦創立工作室與出版社,2023 台北工作室與展覽空間落成。我們希望找到一起邁向國際的夥伴,以創意成果進行跨文化的溝通,與國際夥伴合作。

今年已排定主要工作有桃園機場公共藝術案、室內外公共藝術設計、國際展會、藝術品創作、互動展覽、織品與產品設計、藝術策展、藝術書籍出版(相關連結 https://linktr.ee/yentingcho


熟練Office文書軟體操作,基礎Adobe軟體,熟悉 Facebook、Instagram。有汽機車駕照。大學畢業以上。英文尤佳。我們的案子不斷挑戰新的領域與創作方式,本職缺需要開闊的思考,通才型人才,抗壓性高、樂於溝通的特質,有企圖心,去證明新的可能。


  1. 顧客關係經營、迎賓接待。
  2. 熟悉電腦文書作業。
  3. 社群媒體、銷售平台經營管理。
  4. 訂單與網站後台管理、包裝出貨。
  5. 工作室空間營運。
  6. 完成公司及主管交辦事項。

上班時間週一到週五上午 9 點到下午 6 點,午休 1 小時。週休二日,如遇臨時活動及特殊狀況需要假日上班時,會再另外協調補休假。我們與國際夥伴合作,遠距溝通為常態,期許自由與自律並重。


月薪 32,000 - 40,000,含勞健保。試用期3個月,付全薪。三節禮金, 績效獎金與年終獎金。




來信請附上履歷表與作品集,寄至 hello@yentingcho.com。作品集請用 pdf,30MB 以下,檔案請上傳 Google Drive 等線上服務。我們將在收到後 1 週內會回信告知成功收件。即日起隨到隨審。


▸ 勞保/健保/產假/勞退提撥金
▸ 滿一年享有年終獎金。
▸ 支持同事參與國際事務。







#About Us

YEN TING CHO Studio produces unique artworks, installations and contemporary designs for luxury fashion accessories, interiors and exteriors. Our work blurs the boundaries between art, design and fashion.

Established in east London in 2016, we moved into our Taipei studio HQ and public gallery in 2023. We also have a studio in London, with a publishing house (established in 2020). As we enter a new phase of our development, we are seeking partners to help us go expand our global reach and international partnerships.

Our main projects this year include a major public art project for the new Taiwan Taoyuan Airport terminal, international exhibitions, creation of new artworks, product design and development, art curation, and art book publishing (related links https://linktr.ee/yentingcho).


Familiar with Microsoft Office document software and has basic skills in Adobe software, familiar with Facebook, Instagram, and Google Analytics. Possesses a driver's license for both cars and motorcycles. Holds a university degree or above, with a particular proficiency in English. Their work involves challenging new fields and creative methods, requiring broad thinking, versatility, high resilience to pressure, a willingness to communicate, ambition, and a drive to prove new possibilities.

#Job Description

  1. Customer relationship management and reception.
  2. Proficient in computer office applications.
  3. Management of social media and sales platforms.
  4. Management of inventory system, classification, packaging, and shipping.
  5. Oversee studio operations.
  6. Complete tasks assigned by supervisor.

Working hours are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm, with a 1-hour lunch break. If temporary activities or special circumstances require working on holidays or weekends, additional leave will be coordinated. We cooperate with our London studio/press and many international partners; long-distance communication is the norm; our staff can expect a high degree of freedom which requires self-discipline.


Monthly salary 32,000 - 40,000, including labor and health insurance. Probation period is 3 months, with full salary. Also expect three-festival gift money and performance & year-end bonus.


Our Taiwan studio is very close to Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station in Da'an District, Taipei City.


Please attach your portfolio and resume to your covering letter. Send it to: hello@yentingcho.com Please use pdf for your portfolio, less than 30MB, and upload the file to online services such as Google Drive. We will reply to you within 1 weeks after receipt of your application.

#Other notes

▸ Labor insurance/health insurance/maternity leave/labor retirement fund
▸ Year-end bonus after one year.
▸ Participation in international events such as trade shows, exhibitions, project meetings.


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